FarmBuild is delivered by Agriculture Victoria, a division of the Victorian Government's Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR).

A short video on FarmBuild is now available on YouTube

What is FarmBuild?

When farmers have access to up-to-date agricultural data, delivered through easy-to-use online tools, they can make better operational decisions for their farm. FarmBuild makes it easier to build useful farm management tools based on Agriculture Victoria science. Experts can use FarmBuild to access map services, farm nutrient balance models and local soil data so they can develop applications that their farming clients need.

Agriculture Victoria has developed an enormous resource of scientific data and information over many decades. FarmBuild is working to ensure the widest possible group has access to the science in a usable form. The Victorian Government wants to ensure cutting edge research is applied in the field to keep our agricultural industries productive, profitable and sustainable. We want our agricultural products to remain a central pillar of Victoria’s thriving export industry.

Who is FarmBuild for?

Ultimately our primary producers out on the land benefit from this technical initiative, but the immediate interface with FarmBuild usually comes from agriculture service businesses. The FarmBuild project works with industry bodies and software developers to help them develop new tools and utilise our science in evolving and innovative ways. Most agriculture businesses will need to collaborate with software developers to be able to use FarmBuild effectively.

The products and tools that are developed out of FarmBuild will then be used by farmers, land managers, consultants and advisors making decisions on farm. Application of the science is essential to support end users and meet the demands of growing markets, as well as to demonstrate responsible management of natural resources.

How can developers use FarmBuild?

FarmBuild is a way to get online access to agricultural science such as algorithms, calculators, and key agricultural datasets. The online functions integrate spatial tools and interfaces with the science knowledge of Agriculture Victoria to provide agricultural industries with the ability to customise information through the spatial context of the farm. Because FarmBuild is an open source repository of web services and application programming interfaces (API) it can be used by anyone, at any time. Web service APIs and associated data, and open source JavaScript API sample code or pages, are available for users to build their own digital tools and support their clients.

Current online functions available through FarmBuild include mapping, farm nutrient balance models and soil information. New functions and data delivery will be developed for FarmBuild over the coming years. For more information please visit the online functions page.

Why is FarmBuild different?

This unique distribution model allows the Victorian Government to deliver agricultural science more effectively, without having to create and maintain digital tools itself. FarmBuild will better equip users out in the marketplace, such as agricultural service providers, to develop their own digital tools using their knowledge of how to improve on-farm practices. FarmBuild makes it easier to build the tools farmers need, based on the best possible agricultural science, and keep those tools up-to-date.

More detail on functions

is available here

Frequently asked questions

are answered here

Register for FarmBuild

Register here

For more information on registering, please click here
